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Usa Rox All

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Everything posted by Usa Rox All

  1. Tracker?
  2. Message in reply from my host. Help:
  3. So I have this error: http://pastebin.com/HAMNzVnq I got this reply on reddit: 3:09:07 PM CONSOLE: [sEVERE] Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 3:09:07 PM CONSOLE: [sEVERE] at biomesoplenty.world.WorldChunkManagerBOP.func_76941_a(WorldChunkManagerBOP.java:325) Buggy plugin. Seems like it's biomesoplenty. Let the author of the plugin know. What should I do besides letting the author know?
  4. Yeah, it's running properly, but it didn't generate a plugins folder.
  5. Okay, so I've replaced my BTeam.jar with MCPC+, but it didn't generate a "plugins" folder. Is it supposed to do this automatically, or do I have to manually create one?
  6. Thanks for the reply, I'll post back here if any problems arise.
  7. Hello everyone. I hope you guys don't mind helping a newbie out. I've searched the depths of Google to try to get Bukkit working with my B-Team server. I've tried MCPC+, and something's not working right there, but I don't know what. Do you guys have any help/tips on how to do it? Do you know how? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks for reading.
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