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Posts posted by Zartach

  1. I noticed that after 1.09c any loops in the system were not resolved, after removing my loops and creating a hub/spoke layout where every inventory/request pipe was on a spoke solved my items bouncing between routing junctions.

    I also noticed some funky behaviour with deep torage units, even though it was a 20 blocks closer to the input all items happily moved past my deep storage units spoke and went for the chest inventory. To solve this i messed about with the broadcaster chip (hiding 1 per stack setting) but also made the items pass the interface pipe on route to the chests.


    Not the cleanest solution, but i have not found a way to filter a whole network segment yet, the routing pipes are black magic to me ;-)

  2. trying to update my server to v1.0.9b from v1.0.9a. Now the server crash on startup. Seems like a probleme with projectred:transportation. Here ie the report log.


    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // This doesn't make any sense!


    Did you update by, throwing everything away but the world folder / launch.bat.sh if you changed setting in those,  whitelist.txt and ops.txt files? there are changed in the server.properties as well so it must be manually changed  after copying it in.


    Some mods have been updated with new filenames creating duplicate mods (version numbers) and i found this out the hard way with crashes on startup as well..

  3. Hello, 


    After shortly testing this update it seems the Project red transport system is now no longer focused when you type in a filter in a routed request pipe. all other mods seem to recieve their shortcuts and open UI's or change settings rendering the whole query option in Redpower useless. I have seen this behavior from the NEI and map mods for example.


    I also seem to be having issues with Wither Skellies no longer dropping the Necrotic Bones but in stead are dropping normal bones. (i know this worked in 1.08 but does not seem to be working in either 1.09 and 1.09b)

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