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  1. Okay so first, some background information. Just a couple days ago Technic was working perfectly fine. Just yesterday I downloaded and installed the Curse Client because I was told I had to use it to play a certain modpack. But found out the modpack was also on the Technic platform so instead of using the Curse Client, I decided to use what I was comfortable with which is Technic Launcher. However, when I downloaded and installed the modpack something weird happened. Everything launched like normal. Minecraft loaded up and I created a new world. But to my surprise none of the mods from that modpack were there. At first I thought it was just the modpack so I decided to play a different one; but the problem happened with that one as well along with every other modpack I have downloaded both official modpacks and third party ones. I'm thinking that my problem lies with the Curse Client but still problem is still occurring prior to me uninstalling the client. So I was wondering if anyone has a possible solution for me. I don't know if it's significant or anything but whenever the game launches on the main title screen for the version this is there: "/${version_type}"
  2. IGN: xLOLxTSNOOPS Age: 13. please don't take my age as my maturity level. Location: United States (R.I.) Modpack experience: I make my own mod packs as well has help others make their own. I know about everymod in this mod pack so from a 1-10 scale I'd say 8 or 8 1/2 Why you?: Though I'm probably just like many, many other people in the community, I have no real reason why you should pick me. I would hope I have as good as a chance as anyone else would. I'm probably more on the mature side of my age group than most of the 12-14 year olds I meet. Besides the fact that I am very mature, I can still have a laugh and joke around in a fun, organized fashion. I could easily help with maintenance with the mod pack or what ever it may be. I would like to say I'm a good builder with a little bit of time and effort. Lastly but not lastly, I'm trying to find a good, minimal lag server to start a youtube series on. Yes, the last reason may not be important but if you need more information I'd be happy to give more. Anything extra you want to add?: Like I said at the beginning, I may only be 13 but please don't take that as if I'm ignorant or immature. I one of the very few 13-14 year olds that you'll meet that is well behaved but can still have fun and take a joke. I am very organized do to the fact that I have OCD, and I am a perfectionist so mostly everything I do will be at it's best, I hope at least. So, I hope you enjoy my application and again if you need any further information feel free to ask. If accepted, I'll be looking forward to seeing you on the server, if not, thanks for your time anyways. Have a nice rest of your day! -- Snoops
  3. Minecraft name: xLOLxTSNOOPS Where are you from?: United States (Rhode Island) Why are you applying?: I have found so many great servers but they just have too many players thus having to ban mods and or items to stop griefing and lag. I've also been looking for a nice server to start a YouTube series on, one that won't lag as much as some of the other servers I've been on. I'm a member of a non-whitelisted server already, but it just lags to much, like I'm not one to complain but it gets kinda annoying when trying to open chests, or use tinkers construct and the item gets destroyed do to lag. How well do you know the mods in this modpack?: I've made my own mod pack, as well as help others create them and most people use the same general mods. Such as Tinkers, Microblocks, etc. I know mostly how all the mods work, operate together, the bugs and how to prevent them. I'm skilled and familiar with if not all, most of the mods. How old are you?: Under 18 (13 to be exact) Please don't judge my maturity by my age. I'm not an ignorant person, so please don't be ignorant and assume I'm ignorant. That fancy word play though. How often do you think you will be on the server?: I have many things I do through out my day, but I will be on the server on weekdays for at least 3 to 6 hours and on weekends most likely around 10-12 hours a day. Yes I have a life, just most of it is based around Minecraft. So, I hope you will consider my application and if accepted, I'll be looking forward to seeing you all on the server. If not, thanks for your time.
  4. I just deleted every modpack files. It's working again. I didn't have any good worlds anyways. All of them were testing worlds. Thanks anyways guys.
  5. Yeah, I'm still having trouble. There is no text in the config file when I open it. Is this a problem?
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