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Everything posted by UrMomIsCallinMe

  1. Hey just wondering where the file is located so I can change the resolution attack of the b team starts. that way I don't have to manually set it each time. The settings are not in the tekkit launcher like it is in the regular minecraft settings. I know in regular minecraft folder you can change it in the launcher_profiles.json. but can't find it in tekkit files. unless i just change the launcher resolution window and possibly that changes the resolution aotb starts...
  2. I added sphax bbcraft texture pack. but there is also sphax sound pack and sphax music pack. but in the resource pack settings you can only select one. it doesn't give you the option to move it from the left part to the right part as to activate it. therefore not able to activate multiple ones. because the sphax sound and music packs are supposed to be put in the resource packs folder. know what i mean? so i'm asking if there is a way to activate all 3 inside attack of the b team..
  3. Hey, just wondering is it possible to run a sound pack and texture pack in attack of the b team. When choosing a resource pack. It only allows me to select one. It's not like regular launcher and settings where you can activate multiple packs...
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