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  1. There are no issues without the mod installed. Is there any way to allow the mods to work with each other?
  2. Hi I was playing Attack of the B-Team and I had a problem. Yes I admit I added 1.6.4 pixelmon mod but all seemed to be going well until I hit that E button on the keyboard and instead of getting my inventory I got a game crash I have added no other mods before pixel accept for more Flans mod vehicles. Here is the crash report: http://pastebin.com/UCHq51cr Some help for this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. Try opening up a command prompt and typing "ipconfig /all" without the quotes. Then take the IPv4 address and use that to connect. Also make sure javaw.exe is allowed through the Windows firewall. To get to command prompt click the start button and seach for: cmd Your Ipv4 address will be somthing like: 192.168.x.x Copy that then click add server or direct connect and for the ip put in the Ipv4 address from the command prompt
  4. By map I suppose you mean Rei's minimap? This could be due to lag. http://bit.ly/1edg5a0
  5. Hi. I am running voltz recommended build # 2.0.4 While playing Multiplayer I setup a forcefield to keep my friends at bay and I wanted it to be invisible. In the wiki it states that a MFFS camouflage module as default will turn your force field invisible. However although the camouflage module still projects the block that is set beside it it does not stay invisible when there is no block beside it. Here are some pictures. Have they removed this awesome feature or am I doing something wrong? As you can see there is my camouflage module inside the Force Field Projector From the inside of the Force Field From the outside of the Force field
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