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Posts posted by phoenix987

  1. If anyone knows what these are:

    Mini Car Racing: Still have the disk somewhere around here, spent hours in my childhood. At first I was terrible, and got my dad to play for me so I could watch his progress and be happy. The last cup is on the moon, with low gravity and everything (is heaps of fun to send somebody in the top speed car with full engine upgrades off a ramp with a speed boost arrow and an oil slick on it flying off into space).

    My brother, dad, and I crowded around the keyboard and played that game for months! I think we got to the moon twice. This and Donkey Kong 64 were the only multiplayer games we ever got into.

    Another great game was Chex Quest, a total conversion mod for Doom distributed with Chex cereal in the mid 90s. For some reason the level 5 music always freaked me out and I refused to beat the game for years. That didn't stop me from begging my parents to get dialup so I could download the sequel.

  2. That version of Vista supports up to 16GB of RAM. The 4GB problem you've heard of is related to 32 bit OSes. With a 64 bit system you could theoretically use 16 exabytes, but Windows and modern hardware limitations get in the way.

    That said, you should try to allocate physical RAM only. Readyboost is a fancy form of swap space that, while faster than your hard drive, takes ages to access from the CPU's perspective when compared to RAM. It can help if you're already hitting swap on your hard drive, but otherwise it's not worth it. Also keep in mind that Vista and any background processes will want their own RAM, so you shouldn't use all 4GB for Tekkit.

    I'm running a small FTB server on an old laptop with 2GB of RAM with the major bottleneck being my upload speed. With a couple people online it uses around 1GB. You should be fine with 2GB for yours, depending on how many people you play with.

    TL;DR Use 2GB for the server and 1-1.5GB for the client.

  3. Thank you for the love of my idea. But I now think that this would be impossible, because if a player got on a plane in multiplayer, and another got on as a passenger. Then when the plane moved, everything in the plan would have to move. It would lag a lot, and if someone lagged out they would probably drop out of the plane, because if they stayed on the plane when they disconnected, and the plane moved. They would be moving without being on the server, causing them to stay in the same spot as they were when they left. I think they would glitch out, and someone would have to destroy their dat file for them to play again/,

    This wouldn't be too hard to overcome. Make the planes entities like minecarts. You don't have to move everything in the plane because the plane is everything, minus players. To spawn them, you build them in the world instead of crafting table, similar to Railcraft's coke oven. That way you aren't magically placing them on the ground like in Flan's mods.

    You're overthinking the player disconnection part. When players log back in, they spawn where the server tells them to. Just have the server keep track of players that logged off in a vehicle and tie their spawn locations to that vehicle. If the vehicle no longer exists, kill them and send them back to their default spawn locations.

  4. Is there a reason you're not using 17? The Fedora Project doesn't support old versions for very long the last time I checked.

    Make sure you're using Oracle's Java and not OpenJDK. Use java -version in the console to check. You might have to use the alternatives console command to set the default JRE to use.

    If you're using Fedora's Add/Remove Programs to install things, use yum in the console instead. You should get better error messages that make your searches for help easier.

    Beyond that, Google is your friend. You really need to learn to use linux on your own instead of following step-by-step tutorials, especially if you're going to develop mods. With that said, we're happy to point you in the right direction if you feel lost. We just won't do your work for you.

  5. FYI, iPods do let you drag and drop if you get a classic or older nano. It's just the iPhone and iTouch that force you to use iTunes. The classic is $250 new for 160GB, and probably cheaper on ebay or craigslist. If you can put up with iTunes, refurbished 64GB iTouches are selling for $230. EDIT: I was thinking of 3rd party program compatibility. You still need to sync it with something, though it doesn't have to be iTunes.

    The Sandisk players are nice too, and they have microSD slots so you can load different playlists on different cards if you want. A clip+ and a 32GB microSD card are under $100 on Amazon.

  6. I saw this in a gamestop about 5 years ago. It's an old 3rd party N64 controller meant to be used with one hand. You strap it to your arm and the joint in the wrist acts like an analog stick. Add a N64 controller to USB adapter and a program like joytokey or xpadder and you're good to go. Unfortunately they're pricey on ebay right now.


  7. Try decompiling TekkitRestrict. I found this in /a/a/a/a/a/a.class. Looks like you'll need to import ee.EEMaps, which is most likely a file in the bukkit port on mcportcentral.

    if ((localHashMap2 = (HashMap)EEMaps.alchemicalValues.get(Integer.valueOf(localj.a))) != null)
      paramCommandSender.add("Temporary EMC set successful!");
      EEMaps.alchemicalValues.put(Integer.valueOf(localj.a), localHashMap2);
      (localHashMap2 = new HashMap()).put(Integer.valueOf(i1),Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(paramArrayOfString[4])));
      paramCommandSender.add("Temporary EMC set successful!");
      EEMaps.alchemicalValues.put(Integer.valueOf(localj.a), localHashMap2);

  8. You just download the launcher and use the most recent one... Honestly' date=' if you can't figure out that to run a Tekkit server, you need the Tekkit client, I don't think you have the ability to run a server...[/quote']

    The problem is the mod author only has download links for 1.4.2, including the bukkit port (he ported it himself instead of leaving it to MCPC).

  9. Haha, yeah I wasn't expecting models that large. I was more concerned with having multiple models about as detailed as the Half Life zombie in that link. Sure, it fills about 1% of the buffer, but that leaves only 100 models per buffer object at that level of detail. One mod would (most likely) never even come close to filling that up, but what about all of the mods in a pack like Technic? There are a *lot* of items added in there.

    With that said I highly doubt every mod item would get a fancy new model. Won't stop me dreaming about it though.

  10. Check out BlockWorkbench and ContainerWorkbench in the Minecraft source code. It looks like the grid size is abstracted enough that you change a few initialization values in the ContainerWorkbench constructor, then make a new crafting GUI for your new block. At worst you'll have to copy and modify the CraftingManager class to handle your recipes.

  11. You need to listen to BlockPlaceEvent. If you aren't familiar with event listeners, I recommend reading the bukkit wiki article on them here. You can also use my plugin MobHostility (code on github, apologies for the lack of comments) as a reference.

    I would set up the plugin to use a config file for the nuke block ID, as that can vary between tekkit and non-tekkit servers. The wiki article on those can be found here.

    Finally, the bukkit documentation and javadocs are very thorough. I highly recommend sifting through those for more information.

  12. You're looking for getBlockLightValue in Chunk.java, reproduced below with some comments to explain the vague names. Every tick, calculateSkylightSubtracted from World.java is called, which determines the brightness based on getCelestialAngle, getRainStrength, and getWeightedThunderStrength. The skylightSubtracted variable is changed in tick() of WorldServer.java. Look at getBlockLightingValue_do in World.java for example usage.

        * Gets the amount of light on a block taking into account sunlight
        * par1: local x coordinate
        * par2: world y coordinate
        * par3: local z coordinate
        * par4: skylightSubtracted for a given World
        public int getBlockLightValue(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4)
            // Get 16x16 x,z plane of blocks at the local y value (par2)
            // storageArrays is a 16x16x16 cube
            ExtendedBlockStorage var5 = this.storageArrays[par2 >> 4];
            // Invalid chunk plane - return default light value minus provided LightSubtracted (par4) due to weather/night
            if (var5 == null)
                return !this.worldObj.provider.hasNoSky && par4 < EnumSkyBlock.Sky.defaultLightValue ? EnumSkyBlock.Sky.defaultLightValue - par4 : 0;
                // If this chunk's world has a sky, return the skylight value at local x,y,z (y is at most 6 bits, z is at most 4 bits)
                int var6 = this.worldObj.provider.hasNoSky ? 0 : var5.getExtSkylightValue(par1, par2 & 15, par3);
                if (var6 > 0)
                    isLit = true;
                // Modify skylight value by LightSubtracted due to weather/night
                var6 -= par4;
                int var7 = var5.getExtBlocklightValue(par1, par2 & 15, par3);
                // If the block is lit more than the natural lighting, use the block's lighting value (makes torches work)
                if (var7 > var6)
                    var6 = var7;
                return var6;

  13. The statues would be easy to do as a Bukkit plugin. You make a PlayerChangedWorldEvent listener that checks for certain block patterns around the last block change. If it matches, schedule a task to attempt to spawn a creature every so often around the statue. I might take a crack at it later this week.

    The dart traps could use a BlockDispenseEvent listener to refill the dispenser inventory if it has arrows and possibly another item to keep them from being too easy to make.

    Wires like Terraria's would be difficult. In Minecraft, wires have to occupy a block space in the world, and this prevents players from placing other blocks in the same space. So without rewriting all of the vanilla blocks and other mod blocks players could just place dirt everywhere to find the wires leading to the traps. If that's not a problem for you then it's just a matter of copying the redstone class(es) and giving the wire a transparent texture.

    Boulders could just be dumb entities. Just add a tool to cut them out of stone and give them an attack value (bonus points for making it use the boulder's current velocity).

    And as has been mentioned, there is already a mod for hidden pressure plates and Redpower has a timer.

  14. The Corsair PSU is a good choice. I would stay with your current motherboard/RAM and downgrade to XP instead. Vista is manageable with 2GB, but XP flies. Also, get an older high-end video card instead of a newer low-end one. You'll get more out of it, and you won't miss DX11 since you'll be on XP anyway. I'd recommend:

    XP - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002ORYHKQ/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&smid=A24DFNQD7ZWTJD

    PSU - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0057GTW56/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE

    GPU - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002KE2T3K/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&smid=A3PICFP2XUOF4A (or if you don't mind noise: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nvidia-Geforce-9800GT-Videocard-PCI-Express/dp/B003CMAD6E/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top)

    Price comes out to £180 before shipping. With the other GPU it's £140 (but be prepared for a jet engine of a computer).

    For a 128x texture pack, I would look for a minimum of 1GB VRAM.

    Finally, I'd upgrade that CPU as soon as you get the chance. Even if it's just to a Core 2 Duo/Quad. The old Pentium 4/D architecture is notoriously power inefficient. The E4600 (highest you can go with that mobo) is around £50 on Amazon right now. Performance would see a decent increase, and it would draw less power.

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