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About slowpoke

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. It's actually pretty balanced if you disable collectors completely.
  2. Wow, I haven't been here that long but it seems like this shit happens every single day.
  3. There's not a central depository for texturepacks that work with Tekkit is there?
  4. OP, the thing you have to remember is that mod balance incorporates a lot more factors than just who can beat who with what mod's weapons. The only thing I think is really super broken about it are the collectors. They're free shit forever with very, very little setup and input. Everything else looks well balanced to me, though I haven't done a whole lot with it yet. The red matter hammer and destruction catalyst are kind of dubious though, but I suppose they aren't much worse than a mining laser on explosive, except they don't run out of uses from what I can tell. IC2 just seems a lot more balanced to me.
  5. Somebody's been to see the brain specialist.
  6. Texture packs that are just for vanilla will only change the vanilla blocks, and you'll be left with awful looking IC2 machines, for instance. If you find a texture pack that supports, say, IC2, all you have to do is add the files from it into your texture pack of choice. Just make sure to keep the directory structure intact or minecraft won't find the new textures. Same as a regular one.
  7. If it is I can only pray we get an option to disable it, at least server-side.
  8. Re: Forestry crate recipe missing Ah, that was it, thanks. That must be why the NEI recipe doesn't show either, because only the carpenter can do it. You apparently can't make them at a workbench.
  9. Re: Forestry crate recipe missing Yes, that's exactly what I was doing. There's nothing for it in NEI.
  10. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but Forestry's cartons (13256) and crates (13257) seem to be un-craftable in 1.1.4. The Carpenter can still use them to make crated items though. The actual crated items don't seem to do anything either. Thanks.
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