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Everything posted by Snicklefritz113

  1. Age: 22 Attack of the b-team most played and favorite Skype: Snicklefritz113
  2. In your technic launcher in the list of mods there is the Attack of the B-team mod in the list. On the Attack of the B-team picture there is a gear button that you should push. Once there you can select the "Manually select a build" check box/circle and then you are able to select the build. click the drop arrow and you can select 1.0.8 and hit save. When you press play to play attack of the b-team it will ask you to update and hit yes and that will reset your game back to 1.0.8
  3. Going back to 1.0.8 does solve the problem and is an easy fix for now. game seems to be working fine. I was able to play maybe 5-10 seconds before the game would lag so bad, i couldn't do anything. i started taking stuff down too thinking i was over exhausting the server but 1.0.8 seems to be the way to go.
  4. I am having the same problem. I was up till 2 Am this morning and the game worked flawlessly. Came home today to find the game hardly working for everyone trying to play on my server. Starting to think its not just my server and its the game as a whole.
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