I'm finally back in the server.
I seems that after updating java, resetting the pack, trying it, failing, resetting the back, and joining again works!
Thanks a lot
Is the server 1.0.8 again? Or is it my pack thats really messed up?
When i join with 1.0.9c and all other versions than 1.0.8 it said i'm missing a lot of mods
When i join with 1.0.8 its says- "The following multiparts are not installed on this client: pr_100v, pr_f100v"
And i did you reset both the launcher AND the modpack
And my java is up-to-date
Minecraft username: Mepheliz_ (Like my username) Where you found this server? I found the server by searching for whitelistet servers. Why you want to be on this sever? Because i'm tired of people griefing my stuff and killing me on other servers, so i really wanna join a whitelisted one! What are you planning on doing on the server? I'm planning to play a LOT of AOTBT Your favourite colour? Orange