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tylercassell's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Wait!!!! Is it still possible to get on the server?
  2. oh well i guess there are other people that put in a application that deserve it more than me:)
  3. Your IGN: Mr_Cassell what is your age:15, I'm mature Why do you want to join the server? Because this server feels right for me and I love this modpack Are you an explorer, builder, or crafter? mostly explorer but i can build decent things What do you expect from this server? My expectations are very high and great for this server Are high it seems like everyone would get along and know each other.....like Mindcrack Areyou going to record? Probaly Are you willing to donate? Maby Are you good at building? Well I am at certain things How much knowledge do you have about the modpack? Just a little but it would be a great learning experience Wolf or Lion? HAHA Wolf
  4. ign(Mr_Cassell) Age:15 where are you from:Virginia,USA What do you like to build:houses and stores What do you like mostly: Exploring,Building Why do you want to play on this server: many reasons, i want to record some youtube and play without being annoyed Do you have team speak: no i dont but i can get it if its required
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