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Everything posted by STcraft90

  1. with the new launcher the perm gen thingie is gone, my minecraft havent lagged so much before D: (usually its 30-60 fps what i have, now it is under 15 fps, it is Really annoying :@ ) i have tried allocating up to max and it is still doing that (and i have some mods added that are really handy (and fun ) like AE, IC2, BC, ender storage, chunk loaders...) i usually have normal render distance on, now even on TINY its lagging. help (i cannot post an pastebin because its to big, but here is the download: http://www.mediafire.com/view/h6293c65aaihz5u/ForgeModLoader-client-2.log
  2. problem fixed (i reinstalled hexxit)
  3. STcraft90

    super shears

    had the same problem too, but its fixed iguess? (the next version it was fixed for me...)
  4. i just started a new survival, i punched wood, got a CT, made an axe (wood) to chop down trees much faster. but when i try to chop a tree, the axe goes very slow. is treeCapitator doing some thing with this? i cheated in a diamond axe and goes as slow as the wooden one! Help! :(
  5. wait its fixed 1.0.4 but your items are lost in chests and inventory
  6. same here... my friend has it too! :(
  7. same here :/
  8. same here...
  9. same with me: so i was in a creative flat world, got 4 chocobos (tamed in a big pen downstairs (intotheground)), then i thought: "lets do stuff with MMMPS" after a min of tinkering- BOOM Insta mega lagg", i tought "what? where the hell does that come from? tinkertable? " broke it, "mm i still have lagg, lets take a look at the choco- WHAT?!?!? 30+ CHOCOBOS??!?!?!?1" so yea, wich mod causes that? anyone? (didnt place ANY spawners)
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