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Everything posted by andrew89876

  1. When do you think the server will be up?
  2. Your IGN: andrew89876 What is your age? (there ain't no shame ) 15 almost 16 Why do you want to join this server? mostly to have a good time. also want to have a reliable server to play on and no cheating(spawning things in) Are you a explorer, builder or crafter?explorer or crafter but i also like building What do you expect from this server? I expect it to have little to no lag and friendly Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted) no Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe) probably not Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn) i would say i am a creative guy who can come up with good ideas How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? Ive been playing some single player and watching Bdoulble0, gennyb, and chimneyswift Wolf or lion? wolf, 1 it said so in the directions, and two wolves are awesome
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