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Dirt (1/9)



  1. MC Name: JaimyDS Age: 15 Years old If you want any more information, just send me a message.
  2. My Minecraft Username (IGN): JaimyDS An interesting fact about me: I like to discover new things, come up with ideas, or listen to other's ideas. My favourite subjects of all are Chemistry, Biology and Physics, I would love to get a job involving those 3 subjects later on. Besides that, I personally don't think there are any more interesting facts about me. Best thing you think you have built in vanilla: Well, I think the most impressive structure that I've built in Vanilla pretty much that big Medieval style village is (No images, built it once on a server). I am quite a builder, so if you need somebody to help you build (whatever it is), I'm your man! Best thing you have built using mods: Erm, this one is quite hard to answer, since I haven't built huge projects using modpacks, but if I would have to pick one, I would say some machinery that makes you able to fly (using movable blocks), kinda like with the Metaworlds mod. What kind of minecrafter are you? I'm mostly the technical, redstone guy, that loves engineering and building!
  3. Hello, my name is JaimyDS and I would like to join this server and their community. Therefor I have written the application listed below, I hope I'll be able to meet the other participants and be able to make my way trough the world of the modpack In-Game-Name: JaimyDS My age: I am 15 years old (As of 1 february) How often will I be playing on the server? I will try to play atleast an hour every day, or more. Are you willing to play fair? Playing fair is what I came for! Will you respect other players and their stuff and builds? I am used to whitelisted servers (with modpacks) and therefor won't touch anyone their builds unless they want help, as some might say: Don't do to another, what you don't want another to do to you!
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