IGN (In game name): xTharc
Reason you want to join: Im looking for a great whitelisted server that i coud play on with a nice community.
Age (Optional): 17
Favorite Mod: I dont really have a favorite mod. I like them all.
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: The favorite thing i love to do in minecraft is making redstone circuits and awesome devices,but since this is a modpack thats not really what i'm aiming for.
Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining): My youtube account is called: TharcEG , but im not a youtuber.
Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis): I'd say i can build pretty nicely. I'd rate myself with 7,4.
I've been leading around 3 vanilla whitelisted servers and i really love servers like this cause they have a tight community.