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  1. my console is constantly spammed with this message before it crashes. Can someone enlighten me about the cause of the problem. [iNFO] :[AbsorptionAmount:0.0,ActiveEffects:0 entries of type TAG_End,Age:0,Anger:0,AttackTime:0,Attributes:5 entries of type TAG_Compound,CanPickUpLoot:1,CustomName:,CustomNameVisible:0,DeathTime:0,DropChances:5 entries of type TAG_Float,Equipment:5 entries of type TAG_Compound,Fire:0,HealF:32767.0,Health:32767,HurtTime:0,Leashed:0,MorphNBTProtocolNumber:1,PersistenceRequired:1,SkeletonType:0]
  2. Welcome to ObsitusCraft Attack of the B-Team Server We are a friendly group that welcomes new players. Our staff members are friendly and always willing to help. Rules: -Be friendly and kind -No Caps -No Spam -No Swearing -No Griefing -No Cheating -No Insulting People -No Asking for Promotions -No Taking Items From Graves -No Stealing -PVP ok if both parties agree and a third party witnesses or you have to post your agreement in the forums -Faction PVP ok if both factions agree and it is posted in the forums -Use /helpop if you need help and explain what you need please -Have Fun Banned Items: Dubstep Guns Guns Minions
  3. ObsitusCraft Server IP: Visit us on obsituscraft.enjin.com to see a full list of rules. This is an attack of the b-team server 1.0.9c. We welcome you to come join our server. We have a tight group of players and we are definitely looking to grow bigger. Don't be afraid, Come join us. At the moment the Plugins we have installed are: essentials Faction RandomLocationTeleporter We are looking for new Plugins in future, such as Shops and Job. Our server have a few rules that we are kinda strict on. Griefing is only allow IN the WILDERNESS No Hacking, Cursing, Advertising, and Spamming. Respectful of other Current banned Items: Dubstep Gun Minion Staff, since it been crashed the Server.
  4. ObsitusCraft Server IP: This is an attack of the b-team server 1.0.9c. We welcome you to come join our server. We have a tight group of players and we are definitely looking to grow bigger. Don't be afraid, Come join us. At the moment the Plugins we have installed are: essentials Faction RandomLocationTeleporter We are looking for new Plugins in future, such as Shops and Job. Our server have a few rules that we are kinda strict on. Griefing is only allow IN the WILDERNESS No Hacking, Cursing, Advertising, and Spamming. Respectful of other Current banned Items: Dubstep Gun Minion Staff, since it been crashed the Server.
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