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  1. By moving folders, I was able to restore the Hack Slash Mine saved worlds, and some of the Tekkit / Tekkit Classic games. Some of them aren't working yet, so I might try your suggestion of creating a new world and copying Level.dat and Level.dat_old over. I also found out that /technicssp/ is for "Technic SSP," a modpack that is broken and removed. Have a good week! Paul
  2. Hey Jimbo76, Thanks for your reply... I understood what you said. Interesting problem! In my case, all of the saved worlds under ".technic" are showing up fine. The missing worlds are all the ones saved under ".techniclauncher". I'm wondering if I can just move those save folders over to the .technic folder. Paul
  3. My kids play Minecraft and also the modpacks available through Technic Launcher. One of them complained that he can no longer find some of the games he saved via the Technic Launcher games. I went into his AppDataRoaming folder, and found TWO folders for Technic... one is called ".technic" and one is called ".techniclauncher" I was able to find all of the saved games in the .technic folder via the modpacks loaded through Technic Launcher. However, even though I found save folders in the .techniclauncher folder, I wasn't able to load any of these save games... couldn't find them via the game interface. 1. Why would there be two different folders? 2. Would loading the saved games under ".techniclauncher" be as simple as changing the folder in Technic Launcher OR maybe even moving the save folders over to .technic ? ? ? 3. One of the folders with saved games is called .techniclauncher/technicssp .... i find that interesting, because I don't know what modpack "technicssp" would refer to. Anybody know? Thanks in advance! :-) Paul
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