just got banned because the owner said i hacked on another server that i rarely play on and have never hacked. so if you want to be bullied until you cry and then get banned go ahead and apply for this server. oh and here is my appeal
I have never hacked and never will. and you say i hacked on another server, what's that got to do with your server. you have no proof that i ever did. and that's because i didn't. i just wanted to play on a decent server but no. you had to bully me and then ban me for something i never did. if you can give reliable facts that i hacked then you can leave me banned otherwise please unban me. this is the first ban i have ever had and do not appreciate being banned for something i never did. ATM im really pissed off and probably made many mistakes while swearing and cursing at you for being so rude and inconsiderate. check your so called facts next time.
so have fun all that have applied!