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Everything posted by eevee_man

  1. i foung out the problem was with my vm and not being able to dump the heap
  2. well i dont know what to do with it or how to start it up
  3. me and my friend want to play on a server together but not have 500 people on it and not go through the hassle of trying to get white listed on someone elses server. i have the server download but nether of us know what to do with it. please help up thanks
  4. how do you do it if you are not on the same internet
  5. i have every thing downloaded for the server moved the files and did the op and white list. says: 'java' is not recognized as a batch or external command , operable program or batch file thingyou>dontneed>toknow>thefilesname>pause press any key to continue ... i do and it closes. i like to mess around with coding and i know something is wrong in (or with) it please help me this thing bla>bla>bla you don't need to know that, it does not affect it in any way shape or form except the ...>pause that stopped it i have that know it said it could not create the virtual machine fatal exception has occurred
  6. IGN(in game name): eevee_man Reason of wanting to join:have some place to have fun without the pervs and cussing and with more civilized people Your favorite mod: Witchery (can be like chimm and be a/the villan) Age:(optional but you should be 15): most mature 13 year old you will ever meet( turning 14 in june) Youtube:not yet but maybe soon talking about it with a friend and getting supply's Skype account: yes eevee_man
  7. ING:eevee_man AGE: I agree with "tankhobo"why age it really dose not matter i'm young and do not cuss or am a perv SKYPE:eevee_man WHY: i want to play in a minecraft server without all the cussing and pervs that normal servers have plus i'm good in the witchery mod and others too and i could be like chimmneyswift on the b-team server and be the villain in the server, i watch all of them (the b-team and company). P.S. may start youtube channel with a friend.
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