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Everything posted by Vintermark

  1. IGN: Vintermark First Name: Stefan Skype: Boological Age: 31 What you enjoy doing in AotBT: Exploring the many mods, build my man-cave (microblocks rock!), making (dys-)functional machines, searching the lands for whatever and Bat-morph! Most importantly write a paragraph: An entire paragraph of cheese? Passendale cheese, Belgium Anthotyros, Greece Rauchkäse, Germany Areesh, Egypt Guayanés cheese, Venezuela Rigotte de Condrieu, France Ayibe, Ethiopia Prästost, Sweden Hoop cheese, USA P - A - R - A - G - R - A - P - H o' cheese! Aside from cheese, I really like playing MC with easy going people and in a nice familiar server where you can relax and enjoy yourself.
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