I can confirm I am having a similar issue. In addition, it seems a lot of modpacks are having this issue.
According to this site, it appears some services are having issues: http://status.technicpack.net/
Your modpack is not gone, the technic site just appears to be having some kind of hiccup.
When I went to play on a server I go on using my modpack, I get this error upon attempting to launch the pack:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/hcgxp3xdmi4g4wd/Screenshot 2016-01-03 10.54.15.png?dl=0
I have been grabbing Thaumic Tinkerer from the jenkins files. However, the pack is pretty much a beta. Maybe I will look at solder.
Also, CoFHLib was the fault of the other dev. I'm working on fixing the mod count a bit.
This pack is huge, be warned. However, me and another user are working on an update to make this pack become a quest-oriented pack again.
The pack is huge, and has a lot of content. I had only distributed the mods, the configs, the scripts, and some other required folders. I had not distributed anything else.
I had found another site, but, if that does not work, I'll try it as well.
My dropbox account got suspended for generating too much traffic, and I need an alternative that is free, and allows the upload of large files at 300 MB or larger at once.
Is there a good set of java arguments for a large modpack on Technic? I want something to reduce quite a bit of lag, but, the current set I have eats up most of my CPU.