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Craft Community

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Everything posted by Craft Community

  1. That is so we dont have 30+ people at a time using morph and lagging the shit out of the server ^.^, we did try giving everyone morphs.
  2. Yeah, just tell a member of staff when you come on and they will give you Member.
  3. Server IP - Server Donation Store (30% Off Release Sale) - http://goo.gl/q3aW2L Server Rules - 1. Dont Grief (Raiding OK) 2. Respect Staff and Others 3. Dont Spam 4. Dont Advertise 5. Dont Hack / Glitch 6. Dont Dupe 7. Keep Arguing To a Minimum 8. Use Commonsense Mods Removed: Mystcraft Dimensional doors Banned Items : Chunk loaders Certain Power armour stuff Major Plugins: Factions IConomy Lockette Annoucner Banitem ClearLagg Buycraft BungeeCord Skyblock McMMo Uptime : 100% so far! Description : Welcome to the second insallment of the Craft Community, we plan on making more and more great servers on multiple modpacks to ensure all of our players get maximum enjoyment from it. This Tekkit is bungeecorded and for those of you who don't know what that is, basically its just where there are multiple servers under the same ip and then you can connect between them by simply going through portals. Currently we have a Factions server where both griefing and raiding are allowed, which are both to add a sense of competitiveness to the server, here at Craft Community we decided that Tekkit alongside with factions would be a unique mix. Other servers we have are a regular survival server, which is basically the same as the factions server but more for like the peaceful players who just want to play and not have wars, for this reason, griefing and raiding are both not allowed on the surival server. We also have two more servers which are under development at the minute, a skyblock server and a minigames server, stay updated for more info on the two of those! Please check out the first Craft Community server and watch it grow into something special and unique!
  4. Yeah, I'll look through all of the new posts and give everyone their Member now. Thanks :D !
  5. Thanks to everyone for replying to our thread! I will be giving all of you the Member rank now! :D
  6. Skyblock has been successfully been implemented into our server! A minigames world is also planned for the near future!
  7. ---UPDATE--- All packages in the server donation store are now 30% off for the next 6 days to celebrate the successful release of the server!
  8. Thanks to all the people who have replied to the topic for the Member rank. All of your ranks will arrive shortly! :D
  9. Server IP - Server Donation Store (30% Off Release Sale) - http://goo.gl/q3aW2L Server Rules - 1. Dont Grief (Raiding OK) 2. Respect Staff and Others 3. Dont Spam 4. Dont Advertise 5. Dont Hack / Glitch 6. Dont Dupe 7. Keep Arguing To a Minimum 8. Use Commonsense Mods Removed: Minions Mod Airships Mod Furniture Mod Banned Items : - Dubstep Guns - Microblocks - Titans Major Plugins: Factions Essentials IConomy Lockette Annoucner Banitem ClearLagg Buycraft BungeeCord Skyblock McMMo Uptime : 100% so far! Description : Welcome to the first insallment of the Craft Community, we plan on making more and more great servers on multiple modpacks to ensure all of our players get maximum enjoyment from it. This B-Team is bungeecorded and for those of you who don't know what that is, basically its just where there are multiple servers under the same ip and then you can connect between them by simply going through portals. Currently we have a Factions server where both griefing and raiding are allowed, which are both to add a sense of competitiveness to the server, here at Craft Community we decided that Attack of the B-Team alongside with factions would be a unique mix. Other servers we have are a regular survival server, which is basically the same as the factions server but more for like the peaceful players who just want to play and not have wars, for this reason, griefing and raiding are both not allowed on the surival server. We also have two more servers which are under development at the minute, a skyblock server and a minigames server, stay updated for more info on the two of those! Please check out the first Craft Community server and watch it grow into something special and unique!
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