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  1. Got it fixed! It seems opening this file with notepad fucked up spacing and stuff. This was indeed a weird bug to occur, thank you for your bit of brainstorm
  2. Here's the Google Drive link to it https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1i7o_ihM35IWjBuSXM0aHlWems/edit?usp=sharing This file is what I have on my server, but I assure you client's file is identical xD
  3. Hello everyone! I just wanted to get some help on configurating the OpenBlocks elevators. They are neat, but I discovered that they require XP. Since I love to just sit inside my base for a long time without miningkilling anyone, this is a bad way to go. I changed the needed config entry for elevator to stop eating my darn xp, yet it did not work for some reason.. Any ideas about fixing this? I also made sure I disabled XP drain on server config, as well as i did it clientside.
  4. I sure want to try playing with you all! Add me : DeltaOperations
  5. HEY! Your server is down, what gives Q_Q From reading it I thought that this is IT, the Perfect Server...And now you are down T.T
  6. Thats handy, thanks That whole energy system was kind of blowing my mind, good thing with these it's not an issue anymore xD
  7. I never have thought that config system was about inputoutput thing - thought it was like the RedNet cable coloring thingy... Thank you so much! Now i can play some hardcore survival, starting from a wooden axe and building my own cool factory :33 Thanks
  8. Hey there everyone! I am kind of new to Minecraft, and discovering Tekkit was a great thrill. Unfortunately I seem to have runned into a bug of some kind - MineFactory Reloaded entites dont receive energy from what looks like the basic source of energy in the Tekkit mod pack - Redstone Energy Cells. Look at the screenshot by yourself and please tell me what am I doing wrong xD The link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1i7o_ihM35Id3gyYjl4eGVhR3M/edit?usp=sharing
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