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Everything posted by jaughtman

  1. your IGN: jaught1999 Age: 14 Why do you want to join this server? I would like to join your sever because I would like to be around people that I can talk to and go on an adventure are you a explorer, builder or crafter? builder and explorer when I get invinsible are you going to record? I would like, but I don't have no way to record are you willing to donate? I would but I have no money are you good at building? I have some good ideas for a base, but hard for me to make How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? I know a little from some of the B-team how active will you be? Ill be active for a good bit, but if im not on most likely to be with my family Wolf or lion? Wolf also I have a Skype but don't want to say it in the fourms
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