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  1. so, now I'm able to get on, but my base got raided and completely emptied out
  2. No idea, it started after the server wnet down that one night right after tekkit launcher updated. Since then, i've been getting a read time out error after about 30 seconds. it worked for a while after the admins cleared my inventory, but for some reason my power armor hotkeys were still there, despite having no power armor.
  3. Hey, I think I found a solution. If the admins could delete my player.dat file, it should stop me from crashing the server when I log on
  4. Yea, I keep getting a read timout error about 30 seconds after logging in. coords where I kept spawing in a crashing the server: x:772 y:68 z:193 just crashed again Internal exception: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out part of the tekkit log from the latest crash: http://pastebin.ca/2693193 edit 4/9 Logged on while nobody was on, inventory was empty, but key bindings for power armor was still there
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