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About Replica616

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Replica616's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: Replica616 Age: 14 Country/Timezone: England(GMT) Tekkit Experience: A fair bit, although I still have a lot to learn. Reason for joining: I'm looking for a new server to play on and this looks to be quite a good one. Have you read the rules: Yes. How long have you played tekkit: A few months. What you feel you can contribute: The same thing most people can; playing Tekkit and being friendly. Time you can contribute to the server: While I may not be on every day, it's likely to average to around an hour a day.
  2. IGN: Replica16 AGE: 14 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: Fairly certain I never have. WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT?: While Minecraft is independantly a great game, Tekkit adds a lot of good content and takes it in another direction which is very enjoyable, and I find that this is even more enjoyable in a multiplayer environment. WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY?: Only really what anyone can; building, being friendly, etc.
  3. IGN:Replica616 Age:14 Timezone:GMT How long have you been playing tekkit:Uncertain, but I think about five months. How often will you be on the server:Most but not all days, averaging out to about an hour a day. Would you like to join the teamspeak(optional):I probably will, but not talk much.
  4. IGN:Replica616 Have you ever been banned: No. What do you plan to do on the server: Build myself a sanctuary of power and generally play on and enjoy the server. What is your experience level with Tekkit?: High with EE, moderate with Buildcraft and low with everything else, although I plan to learn.
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