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Everything posted by Jremigio

  1. Got it all fixed up, thanks. I've only got a few bugs now about ticking entities that I can't find any way to fix.
  2. Is the overall layout of the modpack good? I'm not sure if coremods is needed anymore.
  3. I've been looking all around, and I can't seem to find out how to make a modpack.jar. I mean, I know how to make JARs, but I don't know what should go into it. Also, where should I put the contents of Forge? Should I just put the JAR in the mods folder?
  4. The server's run just fine on the 512 MB with 6 people in the past. Here's a link to the pack: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/hybridpack-v15
  5. Hello, I'm making a recreational pack called Hybrid Pack, and I've encountered a few issues. Pack won't let you connect to servers of the same modpack Pack will crash when trying to make a single player world, even after allocating more RAM Pack will run in the Technic Launcher the first time, but will crash (while loading the Mojang screen) the second time you load it from the Technic Launche Here's a list of the mods (client mods): -Backpack -Bibliocraft -Bibliowoods for Biomes O' Plenty, Natura, and Forestry -Biomes O' Plenty -Buildcraft -CodeChickenCore -CodeChickenLib -CoFHCore -ComputerCraft -DrZharks MoCreatures -Forestry -FpsPlus -Galacticraft -Galacticraft Planets -Hats -IDFixMinus -IndustrialCraft 2 -Inventory Tweaks -Iron Chests -MCPC+ -Micdoodlecore -Natura -NEIPlugins -Not Enough Items -Optifine -TInker's Construct -Walia -Wireless Redstone Chicken Bone Edition -Zan's Minimap The server has all of those mods, except for: -FpsPlus -Hats -Inventory Tweaks -Optifine -Walia -Zan's Minimap Server Specs: Provider: Beastnode MC Version Used: 1.6.4 (All plugins updated) Memory:512 MB These are the only issues I have encountered. It'd be great to get some answers.
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