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Everything posted by ArcanusVR

  1. Your IGN: ArcBR What is your age? (there ain't no shame ) 20 Why do you want to join this server? I wanna know more about your servers and get along with players and staff and have a good time while enjoying this great mod pack Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? explorer What do you expect from this server ? Great community and staff and a great time overall :DD Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted) Nope Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe) Not at the moment, but maybe in the future I might, who knows? :DD Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn) Kinda, I'm more experienced at digging huge plots of land... How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? A few on some mods in the pack, not a expert. How active will you be? Planning on logging regularly on mornings, maybe afternoons, and mostly at night. Wolf or lion? Wolf
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