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Dirt (1/9)



  1. It worked!!! You're a GEINOUS! Love ya! Thanks
  2. Thanks but it just killed the hosile mobs
  3. The probles is the actual chunks. i used cheats and tp like 234232556547 chunks away from that place and tp again to my base, the lag still on my base, not on the other chunks that i loaded, but at least i know what to do.. ill wait til the entitys despawn, cuz i dont know where they are XD Thanks a lot!
  4. That could be the issue... I'll try that and let you know
  5. I tryed that, and it didnt work, Sadly. Maybe i should say that when i hit ESC (Pause) The frames go up again to 70+
  6. Hello guys!. I have this bug 3 days ago. I was playing with carpenter's blocks, and the the game just start lagging like HARD CORE. I ussualy play betwen 80 - 120 FPS and now its....0 That just happend on ONE saved world. cuz the creative wold runs ok. I made another world and this one also runs Ok. Anyone knows how to fix this issue? Thanks
  7. Yes. All Blacklisted. that is not the problem. I have been useing the storage for like 2 weeks, the only recent change was the L upgrades. that's why i think its a bug.
  8. Hello everyone! Letme introduce my self! I'm ZombieCharm And i have a problem. Latley i decided to turn all the chips of my mass storage system into the Chips with the 3 Left upgrades (all of my reception chips, the purple ones, have the 3 Left upgrades) But jus a few moments ago i try to get a large ammount of stuff out of the storage, and the result its that all the stuff that i asked for its just gone! I made a bit of tessting... The thing that i asked for are not even getting out of the chest. I mean, it do get out of the chest but it just go to the nethe or something cuz it never pas through the pipes. Im really bad about this cuz the only way to fix it is to Re load the hole client. I have to re log in to fix it, and after that is just lettme use it a couple of time after doing the same thing over again. If someone know how to fix it please.... Send HELP
  9. I actually made an "Infinite power source out of mob esscence. I used arround 6 Blaze spawners, one grinder, like 20 open blocks tanks and one assambler. all i have to do to get power its to stand on the middle of the spawn zone and the blaze will spawn, the grinder wil send mob esscence to the tanks and the blaze rods will be crafted into blaze powder, both of them can be used as power on a reactant dynamo. its pretty cheap (if you have an auto spawner to kill wither skellys and get the heads to get the wither and then use the star to make an porta-spawner.) and it makes like 50m (yeah Mil) RF per 10 mins (Maybe?) im tryng to make another resonant energy cell (50.000.000) cuz i have one full allready :c
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