What is your username?
What is your name?
How old are you?
24 years young.
Location (State or City & Country)?
Chicago IL
Have you ever been banned?
Not as far as I know.
Which mod packs are you most familiar with?
I'm going to have to go with Feed The Beast and Mindcrack It's the one that I have played on for most of my time on Minecraft. I didn't start with vanilla.
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built:
There's so much... There was this massive marble tower with multiple levels that I had made with my buddy. It took up 4 chunks and went all the way down and up. It also had an even bigger moat filled with lava. Each level had a purpose. Farms, storage, power (nuclear reactors and solar panels when they weren't nerfed), experience farms, matter fabricator, thaumcraft, etc.
Another one that I did was a giant platform with huge pillars that had lava and water running through them. On the platform there was a roman style open house that had a spiraling stairway leading to the rest of the rooms.
I did some sort of xycraft island with abstract shapes that were the buildings for housing machines and what not. I tried to make it look otherworldly and warped.
I've done much more and have many more ideas that I am excited to try out.
Are you community-oriented or a solo player?
More community-oriented but I do both. I really like exploring, learning new mods, and doing the magic stuffs.
Do you have a microphone?
I do.
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3?
Of course .
How long have you been playing Minecraft?
I believe around four years now...
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft?
Pretty much since the beginning. Super6nine got me in to Minecraft and had already exhausted a lot of mods so I had to pick it up quickly or not play Minecraft with him.
At what times do you typically play? Normally after 3 or 4 PM my time.
Are there any other games that you play?
So many... I play Path of Exile, War Thunder, World of Tanks, Civilization 5, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Heroes of Might and Magic (Rarely ever get to finish a game though. It literally takes a whole day to do a four player map), World of Warcraft (I used to), Starcraft, every Diablo, and many more.
How many hours a day do you play games?
Probably 8-12 when I play Minecraft. I definitely binge on Minecraft. Otherwise, probably 4-6.
Do you have hairy arms?
Sadly, yes... >.<