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Everything posted by BerialFang

  1. ok so I tried ForeverALoad for chunk loading and this didn't fix they still changed the way they are faceing we have also found that they always seem to face down
  2. ok after more testing we found it isn't restart that is causeing it the change faces when far away like they don't load correctly when you get close again
  3. well i tried a few things today to no avlie i tried so far just setting them down then restarting then they turned then I tried setting them down then changing the way they face with a wrench (MFSU because it dosen't work with mechines) the induction furnances turned to faceing down and the other turned so their tops rotated to the back MFSU's seem to be hit or miss if they change also I should note that this is a nw world seed not a convert
  4. honestly that was the first thing we checked but yeah for some reason this is happening after restarts i will keep testing along with my ops and see if it still happens if there any other info i can provide that may help?
  5. first off love the pack and thanks to the moders however my player have been haveing one issue sometimes after server restarts MFSU's and Maceraters and other IC2 related mechines seems to change what way they faceing so it is somewhat annoying any clue what might cause this no error reports with this eather
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