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Everything posted by Midnight_Gear_

  1. Greetings to you all. I am midnight_Gear_, however you may call me "mid". I enjoy finding the good and the bad in minecraft, and hope to allow for players to find the best multiplayer experience possible. I have a few things to say about this server. First of all, I believe I was promised a "dedicated server with optimal performance." You say it's dedicated, But if that's the cause, how come there seemed to be only one member of staff online? if you're dedicated, you'd expect two or three, maybe even four moderators online at a time. What if there were multiple issues at the same time? Also, I experienced quite a bit of lag during my experience, all the while internet was four-to-five bars. the server also crashed twice. I was told that it was a "restart", but 1. it lasted almost 5 minutes, and 2, there was absolutely no warning. the second time cutting my experience short, and I do believe it's still down as I type. Now, i'd continue, but i'm not interested in wasting more time with this server, so I shall give my rating. Many, many, better servers are available. I highly doubt I shall return any time soon. Thank you, and have a good day.
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