What is your username? alianoriel
What is your name? Alison
How old are you? 23
Location (State or City & Country)? Maryland, USA
Have you ever been banned? Nope!
Which mod packs are you most familiar with? Direwolf20... though I really only use mods as directed while playing with my friend MerryPippin. Otherwise, I'm more a Minecraft purist.
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built: I actually prefer the exploration aspects of Minecraft more than building... so while I've built things such as castles, farms, and skyscrapers, I prefer to spend most of my time spelunking!
Are you community-oriented or a solo player? I'm used to playing more by myself or teaming up with a friend or two. Not so much across a wide community.
Do you have a microphone? Indeed! A condenser mic, at that. It's shiny.
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? Sure, once I figure out how to use it!
How long have you been playing Minecraft? On and off for years!
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? On and off for months!
At what times do you typically play? As often as MerryPippin lures me in with his talk of grand construction projects.
Are there any other games that you play? I play World of Warcraft regularly with my family guild, and I play Skyrim often... also, I have a thing for hidden object games. Don't judge me. I lava them.
How many hours a day do you play games? Depends on the day, really. Anywhere from 1-2 weekdays, 3-6 on weekends?
Do you have hairy arms? Exceedingly. Despite my being female, sadly.