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Everything posted by ssuryan19

  1. I was able to install Blightfall, but when I click play, it won't load. I get a Minecraft screen, with a small section loaded in the corner (see attachment). I run Windows7, have up to 3GB available, and am running 64bit Java. Any suggestions?
  2. Hey Flashy, you should make a forum for the server.
  3. Hey Hell, I think you should make a forum for the server.
  4. Are you currently accepting staff for your server?
  5. IGN: ssuryan19 Age: Ten (However, I act very mature for my age.) Location: U.S. Why would you like to join?: Pretty lonely, and I need someone to be friends with! How much experience do you have?: I'm pretty good, been playing for maybe a month or so, I'm just suckish at project red and thx energy stuff. What mod are you best at?: fossils, open blocks, and bibliocraft. I have no skype. I also just thought you should know, I'm a female. :)
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