Name: IGN: snakestar1998 RL: Norman Mc.
Age: 15
Skype: yes shadowemperor1
Experience being staff? I have been staff on multiple servers, though they shut down due to people crashing the server too frequently.
Current rank on server? Prodigy
Why do you want to be staff? I want to help, this includes monitoring/patrolling the server, make sure no one is breaking any rules. I know many people don't look at the banned items, and a few moments later, they crash the server because of it. I want to try to prevent that. The second reason is because I feel the majority of your staff doesn't always get on the server, but I'll be on almost 5-6 hours a day depending on if there are any events.
What staff/mod related plugins do you know? I don't know what is considered staff/mod related plugins. I am a good, fast, learner, I'm sure if I do not know the plugin, I will learn it as fast as I could.
Thank you for considering me,
- Norman (snakestar1998)