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jlothrid's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: jlothrid Age: 21 Location: USA Kentucky Why join?: because I like being able to play online with others and see their creativity AOTBTEXP: all single player creative mode, usually not a big server player best mod: not really good at any particular mod, just like to play Skype: I don't remember if I get invited i'll look it up and put it in a pm
  2. IGN: Jlothrid Age: 24 (just turned on Tuesday lol) Location: U.S.A, Kentucky specifically Mod pack exp: 3ish(capacity to learn is high, I will ask questions before I look something up, unless I get told not to) build exp: 7 why me: I'm lonely and lookin for people to play with, my IRL friends aren't really interested in minecraft so I have to look to the internet for fellowship. I know the post before this said that it was closed but I'm just throwing my name out incase it reopens.
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