Username: birdsong67
Age: 14
Skype (If U have One): don't have one (might could get one)
Do Your Record?? Yes Or No: no
How Much experience Do You Have With The ModPack?? 1-10: 5
Are You A Builder, redstoner, Explorer, or all of them: i like to build and explore
Are You A Good Builer?? 1-10: 6
Are You Going to be Active??? Tell Me How Long/When you can/will come on: i will be active (about every other day) and will be on around 3-8 pm central time
Will You ever Donate (Wont Affect Chances Of Getting Picked): no
Will You Help The Community?: yes i will help the community. i will donate to the community and work to make a nice town
Why Should i pick you out of everyone else??: because i am friendly and love to help out others when necessary. i like to make things that will benefit others. i will not grief, steal, or destroy others property. i will also try to fix any damage that i might cause by mobs. i also love to associate with others in a small community.