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Posts posted by Nensec

  1. Transfer nodes are a bit special, they kinda break the common rules in MC. You can make a cobblestone generator with it that gives you a stack per tick and it requires no power, just upgrades, and it also doesn't even mine out the cobble it just generates them. Water works the same, it doesn't actually 'scoop' up the water but rather generates it in itself much like the aqueous accumelator or however you spell that damn thing. They are also able to transfer more than 10000RF/t but at the drawback at it is send in packets rather than a continuous stream like conduits. So if your machine has a buffer then the transfer pipes are great (pro tip: put a energy cell in between to make your own buffer )

  2. Bad Login means your login token expired. 99% of the time this means you relaunched the technic launcher ( or any launcher ) with auto-login while you had the client open. This causes the client you have running to no longer have a valid login token thus resulting in a bad login. Close down minecraft and the any launcher then restart minecraft.

  3. Having had a few BSOD while running a server I found out that the most frequent thing that will prevent my world from loading is dimensional doors. Deleting the Dimensional Doors folder in the world folder caused my world to be loaded again 99% of the time. This is of course anecdotal experience, but since you mentioned it already I figured I add it for those willing to give it a try! ( faulthy HDD caused the BSODs, fixed now :D )

  4. There isn't really a list of system requirements, but any modded minecraft will eat a lot of ram to run smoothly.


    At the very minimum you need 1gb free to dedicate to Java, 2gb would be recommended and 3+ would be ideal for those spikes like hopping between dimensions rapidly.

    Make sure you have 64bit Java installed, assuming you have a 64bit CPU (which I really hope you do in this modern age)

    CPU and GPU requirements are laregely the same as normal MC, though CPU benefits a lot from being a good modern 2.4ghz+ dual core or better.

  5. I've posted this in the thread that Slayster linked, but it holds more value in here so I will throw it here with some more information:




    That is how I've set up automatic minium stone crafting.

    It isnt't perfect, but it works for the most part.


    The ME Export Busses below the two devices are only there to make sure they are always stocked up with coal, so both devices will always have 64 coal in them.

    The ME Interfaces in the back are of course holding the crafting recipes. The Calcinator has the recipe that turns 8 Diamonds into 8 Minium Dust, which the Import Bus on top will suck up.

    The Aludel has the recipe that turns 8 Minium Dust and an Inert Stone into the Minium Stone.


    Now here comes the tricky bit, as the dust needs always go in the bottom slot. For that it needs to be the first item in the device.

    In all likelyhood the inert stone will be done before the dust is, so to fix that problem I simply manually put 1 dust inside of the Aludel. It makes the entire set up only work for Minium Stone, but that is all I need anyway.

    What happens is simple, the dust will start to stack with the dust and the Inert Stone will just get put into the other slot that is not occupied.

    In the end the Import Bus on the right of the Aludel will suck up the Minium Stone into the ME system.

  6. Hey Curunir,

    Really awesome design for the obsidian generator.
    I adopted it myself (x3) and added a little technical mayhem to it:



    4 cyclic assemblers as you explained, except it has a step in between there with the chest.


    The chest has has the function of being a switch.

    The chest has 3 attachments, namely an itemduct and 2 import busses.


    Why 2 you ask?

    One is to export Obsidian while the other is to export all the Cobblestone!

    Behind the wall there is a level emitter, tied to the supply of Obsidian in my ME system.

    When it dips too low the redstone torch will turn off on the wall there.

    This will cause the 2nd import bus to activate and start sucking out the obsidian that is in there.

    At the same time, the item duct feeding the diamond generator will be turned off as it is no longer has a redstone signal giving the ME system supply full priority on the obsidian.



    Now this was a tricky part, to make sure that the first cyclic assembler would never run out of minium stones..

    In the end I used a buildcraft pipe together with a gate in it.

    The gate is set to emit a redstone signal whenever the adjacent inventory is empty.

    This signal travels into the block above it which then travels into the adjacent export bus above the assembler.

    I can do this, because I have configured the itemduct that is sucking out obsidian to only transfer 1 block at a time meaning at some point the minium stone will be used up and there won't be any spare obsidian in the assembler left.

    It will only be briefly that it is empty, but it is enough for that export bus to receive a redstone signal from the gate behind the assembler; telling it to get/craft a minium stone.

    By the time it is finally done making that minium stone the inventory would long be not empty anymore so it would never craft more than 1 stone.


    I am tempted to expand this to the other 2 assemblers but they don't get nearly as much drain on the stone as the first one to make iron.


    For those interested here is my setup for the minium stone maker:



    To prevent dust from getting in the top slot I make sure to simply keep 1 dust in there.

    The dust created will stack on top of it making the stone always go in the right slot.

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