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  1. when i open the techinc launcher then open tekkit classic it launches but the tekkit classic has a white screen and doesnt load! I dont know why it isnt working because i had it working on the same computer before but now i have a different hardrive. if anyone could help me that would be greatly appreciated Also After i download a mod on the technic launcher the mod wont open. So i think something is wrong with my launcher or i dont have something installed to help the games run.
  2. Watch this video. I had the same problem as you and this video helped me get my Tekkit server working so i hope it works for you
  3. I tried this but unfortuatly it still isnt working i tried everything but it no work. But thank you very much for the advise.
  4. it does have the java.exe in the foolder and soz i dont know how to add the pic
  5. Well i tried it and it doesnt work so i am not doing it properly. This is what i did: I add ;C:Program Files (86x)Javajre7 . i added this to the variable vaule but when i went into command promt it did that same the same thing, it closed
  6. so i just need to know where my java is installed and add that to the path??
  7. And what is the class i have to add to the PATH????
  8. But i dont know where to write it. i do everything but i dont have a list when i click on PATH, it comes with Variable name: PATH then Variable Value Ps i am on a windows 8 btw And i dont understand the java link that well 2. I get stuck at part 6
  9. Thank you but i don't know what to add the PATH????? And to i have to add it to the variable name or the variable value??? I havent had any experience with using java only using it for being able to play MC. So if you could help me more that would be greatly appreciated
  10. I have installed the 3.1.2 classic tekkit server from the classic tekkit page but it doesn't work. When i go into the "launch.bat" folder, it comes up with: C:UsersNameDesktopTekkit Server>java -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar Tekkit.jar nogui 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. C:UsersNameDesktopTekkit Server>pause Press any key to continue . . . That's what it says, and when i press and key it just quits so i cant get my server to turn on!!! help me please!!! Thank you
  11. I got the newer versions. Do i need to get a different version for tekkit (older versions)
  12. http://bdcraft.net/purebdcraft-minecraft i got the 64 bit for the tekkit and 128 bit for my vanilla and btw my vanilla texture pack is working it just my classic tekkit that not working. i have tried 128 for the tekkit classic as well
  13. I havent put any add ons, on. i have just downloaded the the normal BD Sphax texture packs and put them into the texture pack folder for tekkit classic and vanilla
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