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Everything posted by timtaylor

  1. I have spent the past few days trying to figure how the hell to get this to work, but i just can't. if anyone could send me a link to an absolute tutorial as all the ones i found were pretty unclear, or even just make it, i would be EXTREMELY grateful. here are the list of the mods (i know its a lot, but there is a lot of people on our team) -Witchery -Advanced genetics -Archimedes ships -Biomes o' plenty -Carpenters blocks -chisel -dragon mounts -enhanced portals 2 -food plus -galcticraft (with planets add on) -hamsterrific -hats -liquid xp -map writer --minecraft minions -minefactory reloaded -morph -mr.crayfish's furniture mod -natura -NEI -NEI plugins -open blocks -project red -random things -secret rooms -statues -sync -the necromancy mod -thermal expansion -tinkers construct -trailmix -tropicraft -waypoints -bibliocraft -buildcraft -buildcraft tools -code chicken core -damage indicators -dimensional anchors -dynamic lights -minecraft forge -forge NBT edit -hat stand -immibis core -soul shards -treecapitator -tubestuff -universal elctricity -yet another leather smelting mod -mekanism -inventory tweaks -optifine -zans minimap -animationAPI -mutant creatures -mystcraft -orespawn -applied energistics -dimensional doors -equivalent exchange 3 -enderstorage -nether ores -backpacks -obsidiplates -forestry -death counter -extra bees and trees -extra utilities -factorization -flat signs -gravity gun -industrialcraft 2 -magic bees -mob dimeberment/shatter -optileaves -quarry plus -telepads -thaumcraft 4 -thaumic tinkerer -twilight forest -weather -buildcraft additional pipes -power crystals core -power converters -portal gun I know there are A LOT of mods on this list, but there are six people on the channel and each one had 50 requests We're gonna call the pack and series 'Chunk Junk' and we are not releasing it to the public so we dont have to worry about the mod creators getting all shitty, even though we are going to give a lot of credit to them. thanks for any help you can give, TimTaylor
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