User Name : Operation_xela
Skype: xela99e
Do you record??: I'm planning on it once I find a server to play on.
How much experience do you have with the modpack?: I have a good bit of experience. I have been playing singleplayer for 2 months now and I watch a lot of BdoubleO, Pungence, and GennyB (:
Are you a builder, redstoner, Explorer, or all of them: I'm a builder/explorer.
Are you a good builder: 1-10: 8
Are you going to be active: Yes, considering I have set times to record.
Will you ever Donate: It depends on how fun the server is and how much time I spend on it.
Will you help the community?:Yes, most definitely.
Why should I pick you out of everyone else??: I'm very friendly and love to play with others. I like building a lot and if they're are redstoners on the server I would love to learn more about it.