Minecraft Name:austin9700
Skype Name (required-Lady Z wants to speak with each applicant to ensure they understand the server rules) nsl.sniping
Age: 13 (mature when needed)
Experience with Attack of the BTeam! (1-10): 2 I have ppl to team with (Sabrecat2001)
Favorite Mod: Witchery
Do you plan to record? Maybe Idk yet I am making a new account called LimitedCaffeine over the summer so maybe
What does Zaepora love? ME I mean minecraft
What do you like to do in Minecraft? Build, Survival, PvP
Why do you want to be on our server? I need a friendly community and a mature one with no little kids swearing at eachother
What else should we know about you? I am fun and very nice I am gentleman I was raised to be very mature and I have come up that way.