Basics: I am Burnt out on regular Minecraft and want to try Multiplayer AOTB
In game name: GaminginHD
Age: 16
Timezone: UK
About You: I know everything to Tinkers' Construct and i watch Bdouble0100 GenerikB and Keralis
Describe your Minecraft experience: i have played about 1 year and 6 months and have played AOTB since it came out.
Describe your experience with Minecraft servers: I have played servers from survival to minigames.
Have you ever been banned? This is not necessarily a deal-breaker, but please explain what happened: I have honestly never been banned.
What attracted you to this particular server? I have played SP for awhile and want to try Multiplayer.
Anything Else? Optional.Is there anything you'd like to ask us or you'd like to share? Is there anything important for the staff to know? I enjoy pvp but will not unless server allows it and other player allows it.