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Everything posted by AshtoEJ

  1. Minecraft Name: AshtoEJ Skype Name: AshtoEJ Age: 18 Experience with Attack of the BTeam! (8): Favorite Mod: advanced genetics or tinkerers construct Do you plan to record? probably not What do you like to do in Minecraft? I like to mostly get technical and get rich, im weaker on building side. Why do you want to be in this server? Im looking for a small aotbt server with friendly people were I can just play and have fun. What else should we know about you? I will be able to play most of the summer and sometimes on weekdays when my school starts. Hope Im accepted, I look forward to playing with you all
  2. In-game name : AshtoEJ Name we can call you in chat: Ash Age (accepting 15 to 25 years old only, sorry. We're mostly teenagers) : 18 What mod you'd like to focus on : Flans Mods or Tinkerers Construct Your favorite color (I give out little starter kits) : Blue Pronoun Preferences (just in case) : none I really hope I can play with you all I think this server could be great.
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