What is your username?Bigdawgg
What is your name?Daniel
How old are you? 25
Location (State or City & Country)? Sweden
Have you ever been banned? Never!
Which mod packs are you most familiar with? Ive played the most popular mods with pipes & technology, magic & new biomes.
Are you community-oriented or a solo player? Both, Im probably going to play alot with In0kz & Bea5trider
Do you have a microphone? yes i do
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3? if i remember and have time to do so i suppose i do
After getting settled are you interested in joining the rTr clan? Servers with interessting themes, mods and games is interesting.
Why do you wish to join our server? I have always loved Minecraft and counts it as one of the best games to take gameing one step forward even with its retrographic theme wich allured me from the start. I want to join the server to play with In0kz and Bea5trider.
How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since it was released
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft? I have always been playing on alot of modded servers so I got some experience but Im eager to figure it out again!
At what times do you typically play? All day all night, suits with most timezones
Are there any other games that you play?Im an all around gamer I like crative games, moba & RPGs. Terraria, Starbound, Dota II, Diablo 3, Space enginers etc.etc.
How many hours a day do you play games? usualy about 9 hours a day
Do you have hairy arms? Im no gorilla
Are you willing to get involved in community events? yea sure could be fun!
Please tell us something about yourself: Im an easy going guy with alot of compassion. I like to build with alot of graphical styles and designs.
Do you agree to the rules? yes I do lava lava