IGN (Minecraft name) - redflag2121 Age - 17 Why do you want to join this server? - My friend and I have been looking for a smaller AotB server for sometime now as it seems no one responds to their server threads anymore. Anyway, we love AotB ever since we first played it about a year ago and would love to finally get to play again. I also love having a small, close-knit community when playing any type of Minecraft server as it makes playing so much more enjoyable. How often would you play? - Most likely a couple hours a day. Do you use Teamspeak? - No. Any other info you feel is necessary - Would it be possible that this application apply for my friend (IGN: Jimmy3star) as well? We're both the same age and of course wouldn't cause any trouble. If not, I can get him to apply to this as well. Thanks for your consideration!