Minecraft Name: proxydouble1
Skype Name: -Private Message me-
Age: 18+
Experience with Attack of the BTeam! (1-10): 6
Favorite Mod: Galacticraft
Do you plan to record?
Maybe, not sure yet.
What do you like to do in Minecraft?
I still haven't learned everything about the mod pack, I like the journey of learning about new mods and putting them to use.
Why do you want to be in this server?
I hosted an AOTBT Server from my own computer for a little over a month and it was fun, but I only played with my GF and another friend. It would be nice to play with other people and join a community where we can chat/build/etc.
What else should we know about you?
I've played on a few vanilla servers and Bukkit servers in the past, but I think that Mods are the way to go.
If you want my Skype, please private message me if I am being considered.