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Posts posted by Autocthon

  1. You usually get a return rocket when you land on the moon, but you need to set it up and fuel it.

    As for things to do there, I believe standard Galacticraft progression is farming Meteorite on the Moon, until you have enough to advance in the Galacticraft tech tree. Which will allow you to build a rocket that can reach Mars, where you maybe want to set up a base.


    Just for the record, I think Galacticraft progression is asinine, together with most of its concepts.

    Basically the whole point of galacticraft is to say "I created a sustainable colony in space" and then walk away. Though in theory it would be much much harder if it was the only mod. It would also take so much longer and be so much more of a hassle.


    Dim vision o na helmet tends to happen in my experience form having night vision. It bugs out in a few dimensions (most notably Dimensional Doors pocket dimensions.)

  2. Deserts are the other area :P Forgot they have passive cooling disabled, and tha  does make advanced panel dangerous in some areas of the overworld. However any other heat issues are a bug... or the lack of heat issues are a bug. Either way there's a bug somewhere >.<

  3. I know that I've used it without the actual Coolant module on the chest, but I usually have the heat sinks on my sets. From that I know that I did on rare occasion have heat issues(definitely in the Nether) but I almost always had a small amount of heat built up on the bar. I think it also takes into account how high you have your modules jacked up. Like sprinting with a maxed out Sprint Boost would heat up faster than one only at 10%.

    Everything maxed. The nether is the only heat issue, and heat never built up more than one tick of heat in the overworld. Days.

  4. One thing to note as well, there are at least 2 other ways within Modular Power Suits that allow you to keep your charges going as well.


    The first and probably easiest is through the use of the "Solar Panel" attachment for the Power Helmet. This allows you to slowly charge the batteries of all of your suit items while you're outside during the day. If you're only running basic Fist and Helmet tools, this will be more than enough to cover you.


    The other is a little more complex and IIRC it has to do with Kinetic somethings on the Power Legs. This charges your suit power while you're running, but also generates quite a bit of heat which can cause your suit to catch fire and potentially kill you. To counteract this heat you need to set up the coolant system on the chest and add heat sinks to each piece. This can get very expensive but provides a large amount of power

    I used Kinetic Generator + Basic Solar Panel + Sprint Assist + Jump Assist as a module package for days without any form of cooling modules. Only when I went into the nether did heat dissipation become an issue.

  5. My brother and I used a combination of fluid level emitters (to maintain a constant non-trivial volume of fluid in the system) and fluid exports into transposers (to keep transposers topped off with just about everything) however I'd have to go in game and look at the exact design. I know that some things are mildly buggy but you should be able to fill a fluid transposer using the ME system with no issues.


    Of course I prefer a very simple system of "make X fluid until you cap out Y storage in the system" (at which point the ME system will no longer import fluid). Then have it pump into a transposer for each type. At which point the automation works, however I don't remember exactly how we automated, I do remember it involving crafting terminals. It's been a while since I was on. I'll go look and recreate at some point. In the end it works out to being able to craft correctly, it just doesn't involve creating liquids "on demand" through a crafting terminal.

  6. I find going straight ME system works, and separating the liquid portion production from the item.


    Items-> Crucible (one crucible for each fluid is an option) -> Fluid into ME network -> Fluid and items into Transposer (have one transposer for each fluid to keep this efficient) -> Final product


    The upside with this is you can have interfaces on the transposers so they can build to order.

  7. Damn, I really forgot the Extruder. Thanks for pointing it out.

    As for Netherrack, yes, an MFR farm will provide it eventually. But it's actually easier to get that Obsidian, open the portal and take the stuff from the Nether. If you already know your way around MFR, sure that is an option.


    P.S.: Corrected the Obsidian mistake. The Extruder method is now described. Also added some more details to a few parts.

    TBH I'd use the extruder over actually mining the obsidian. I was just pointing uout that you said the only way to get the netherrrack. Though I do tend to have a farm off teh ground long before I bother with the nether lol


    If only because automated char production always seems far more useful than getting next tier power transfer.

  8. And if your reactor is pumping out more than 10,000 RF, you'll need that Tesseract, or multiple power taps to avoid wasting power. 

    I would imagine that given tesseracts have a 25% power loss on the output end you'd want a minimum 13333 power output on your reactor before you switch to a conduit.

  9. DDoors can be fun to roam around in but dangerous to use as a teleporter. I had to abandon an entire age because I grouped too many doors together in one place and it severely lagged the box. Mystcraft on the other hand is awesome and full of win in so many ways. I honestly don't know how I'd play Tekkit without it :P

    I don't really think Myst or DD are very well fitting for tekkit. I mean the yexist to get around some limitations that other packs haven't fixed yet.


    But then again I don;t use either OR EE. So yah. I might be a little oldschool.

  10. That is actually not enough, Autocthon. The default memory setting is usually good, and the usual reason for memory issues is an override in system settings, which is not visible in modpack config. But it does show in crash logs, which is one reason why we keep demanding them.

    Either way, head for the tracker in case you need assistance.

    I suppose that's true. I do however have the opposite problem more often than not in that my system settings are perfectly happy to give java an exorbitant amount of memory but my the throttle in the technic config blocks it off. But then again I made those changes a long long time ago and haven't had to think about it for a while.

  11. Thank you two so much for helping me with this.

    I also have some serious problems with lag to the point of the game freezing and sometimes crashing when opening and starting up a world (It evens out once I'm in game, but it's rare that I make it that far even after several tries), that I don't have when I'm playing basic minecraft. Any tips on fixing this?

    The very first thing you should check is how much memory you have allocated to minecraft. The gear symbol on the launcher next to the close window button has the controls when you click it.

  12. I believe he's talking about the addition of NEI to the inventory screen and the additional block information enabled by (whatever mod it is) that shows up top center. I know by default that NEI tends to gravitate toward utility/cheat mode which is just a quick look through the options menu (option button lower left of inventory screen).

  13. I for one am quite hapy with the sustainable power options in tekkit as is. In fact my reactors are wildly resource positive running drills, and their runoff maintains a base reactor and then some. Need more drills though.


    Was quantum armour that much better than power armour?

  14. Only if you consider a DSU per most major resource items capping lol. I have right around 90 of them at the moment and the room is only 1/3 done, to say nothing of my ME drive for misc. crap and fluids.


    I think you misunderstood me. I'm talking about having to make caches of sub-components for the MAC since I no longer have the ability to pulverize/cook things in 0.1 seconds or however long it took an overclocked IC2 pulverizer/furnace to do it. Technically speaking I don't have to keep caches of stuff on hand but if I don't the crafting process takes much, much longer as the MAC has to go through and make every single component itself. I have plenty of raw resources to craft with.

    That could actually be an issue with MAC size (actions per second) as well. That said yah not having stuff being made super fast could be a pain I suppose. My solution was to pick out the most time consuming stuff (Glass is used in just about everything) on auto. Took out most of teh roadblocks. Admiottedly we set up a massive bank of auto-processing taking up most of my vaultspace to go with the DSUs.

  15. I'm with Pagan about the overclockers as far as missing IC is concerned. I've had to setup a ludicrous number of ME emitters tied to TE machines to maintain a constant cache of many materials because they take so much longer to make than IC equivalents. My processing area is a semi-organized mess of cables now lol.

    Are you capping storage space at all? I mean I'm hardly perfect but running out of resources became very hard very quickly with the system my brother and I put together.

  16. I use a 12x12x12 passive with a 6x6 rod group in the middle and cryotheum coolant throughout. With all rods at 90% I generate just shy of 30K RF/t and burn up 0.2mB/t of fuel. It's set to activate only when the battery falls below 90% though so it's only active every few seconds. I have the drill's foci split between white and cyan (I need quartz for AE and cyan also gives yellorium) and I'm still getting more yellorium than I'm using. I could probably bump the rods to 70% or even 60% and still make enough yellorium to keep it running indefinitely.


    While a turbine would certainly look sweet I just can't be bothered with setting up the liquid management required for it or making enough enderium blocks (because I don't do things halfway :P ).


    Good luck building your 32 cube Auto. I did it in creative while my server was down but got tired of trying to find the optimal rod:coolant ratio to get it around 900C. Most of the variations I tried ended up closer to double that lol. Filling that thing with cryotheum was a giant pain even with floodgates. I put 16 of them on it and it still took like 20 minutes.

    Actually I'm trying to figure out whether diamond may be better form an efficiency standpoint in terms of output (better heat->power ration from what I can tell) but I'm working on it. I finally have the material for the baseplate lol


    I'm gonna build it one row at a time and start by optimizing the baseplate, since vertical growth should have minimal effect on the heat of the reactor itself. The result is going to be a massively huge reactor hopefully with good stats.

  17. While we're at it, Portable Tanks and Drums filled with liquids should be in any self-respecting treasury. A full Drum of Gelid Cryotheum or Blazing Pyrotheum spells wealth quite openly. With all the different liquids in Tekkit, you could probably make a rainbow line of them.

    I had a rainbow line of multiple high resonant tanks for a while. Then my brother decided he'd rather keep liquids in ME storage. At least I convinced him to build a deep storage vault.


    Maybe I have him keep giant pillars of resonant tanks in the vault.

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