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Everything posted by OberProGamerY

  1. I am currently trying to setup a Tekkit Legends server on Raspberry Pi 2; the problem is that the server crashes on startup with a "java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loop". I've uploaded the server log and the crash log, I hope you guys can figure out what's wrong. PS: The Pi doesn't have problems like these with Tekkit and Tekkit Lite, so I don't think its that. logs.zip EDIT: I have deleted the BluePower mod and the server starts fine now on the Pi. Strange thing is: the mod doesn't produce the problem my normal PC... any ideas? EDIT2: I've decompiled the corresponding .class file and according to this: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.bluepowermod.part.PartInfo.<init>(PartInfo.java:51) ~[PartInfo.class:?] at com.bluepowermod.part.PartManager.registerPart(PartManager.java:75) ~[PartManager.class:?] at com.bluepowermod.part.PartManager.registerParts(PartManager.java:129) ~[PartManager.class:?] at com.bluepowermod.BluePower.init(BluePower.java:98) ~[BluePower.class:?] ...the following line of code is throwing the "java.lang.NullPointerException": this.type = this.example.getType(); Could this be related to the Java version installed on my Pi? EDIT2: I FOUND THE PROBLEM AND THE FIX: Bluepower is using methods from the java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment and/or java.awt.Toolkit classes, these require a system with a graphical environment (gui), like x11 under unix-systems. Since I am not running the Pi with a GUI, it crashed due to that. However, theres an easys fix: I simply needed to add "-Djava.awt.headless=true"(the link shows the Oracle documentation about that) to my launch.sh; this tells java that it is running in an environment without a GUI, sound, keyboard, mouse, etc. and resolves the problem internally.
  2. Like the title says the Technic Launcher keeps on displaying an update for the Tekkit pack, but when I try to update, it will show an error, reporting that the tekkitmain-1.0.zip doesn't exist. When I opened the Modpack's settings the only version selectable is 1.0-Recommend. Does anyone know why this suddenly happens? 2 hours ago the Launcher wasn't showing anything and wouldn't 1.0 be a downgrade anyway? EDIT: Just launched Tekkit without doing the "update" and now I got this message: EDIT2: Just reinstalled the entire Modpack and it seems to be working now.
  3. 4. Okay, thanks. Ugh... guess I will start over then, don't want to risk any bugs or something like that... will just be a lot to do... Why did they even change so many IDs? Will this happen again when we reach Tekkit 1.3.x ? Or even 1.2.10 ?
  4. Hello folks, I have a few problems with the update of my server from 1.1.8 to 1.29e (yes I know, I haven't played for half a year) It seem like 4 mods are a bit wanky after the update: 1. Thermal expansion is the biggest problem; many blocks have simply dissappeared (machines) or changed into other blocks of Thermal expansion, same goes for the items (I somehow have creative portable tanks in survival mode now). The Thermal expansion tubes are problematic aswell, in 1.1.8 I was building a fusion reactor with my friend and we were using liquid pipes to transport the steam; now the pipes have turned into redstone pipes and dont connect to each other, same goes for the restone pipe, which has turned into a item transport pipe. 2. Backpack mod isn't working anymore, I cannot open my backpack I had in my inventory and shift+right-clicking with it on a chest crashes the client (but not the server). 3. Modular Powersuits is having similiar problems as Therman Expansion, blocks have dissappeared and items aswell; same goes for my tools. 4. I constantly see the name of a block when aiming at it, it looks like it's from NEI, but I simply can't find a way to disable it. I hope you guys can help me with these problems, I still have the ALL old files of the 1.1.8 server, so would it be possible to copy the config? As far as I know the configs contain the item ID's, so would that work?
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