1. In Game Name: itzawrap
2. Age: 24
3. Experience with AOTBT: Since its release
4. Skype Name: Will provide in private
5. Personality: Laid back, Chill, Fun
6. Good at Building?: Pretty good
7. Why should you be accepted?: I am honest. I like to play fair. I don't like to steal, and following rules is easy for me. I'm not a fan of creative mode because i like working for what i get. My single player world that i started as soon as i got attack of the bteam corrupted, and i just wanna finally move from single player to multiplayer. I think if accepted all players will have a fun time playing with me!
8. Anything you would like to share about yourself(Optional):I am 24 years old from PA, USA. I spend allot of my free time gaming. When not gaming i'm either working or spending time with my wonderful girlfriend of 6 years. I have been playing minecraft since 2012 when a friend showed it to me on xbox. I didn't have an xbox at that time so i just downloaded it on PC. Since then i have been addicted. One day i hope to do some videos, and stream some. I don't have much time on servers, but i have allot of time playing by myself.
9. Favorite mod in the pack:Not really sure yet, i love them all!
10. Would you be interested in donating to help the server stay afloat(decision will not affect whitelist):Yes, when i can!
I, itzawrap(tatorgatorbator), have read the rules and have accepted them with pride and honor.