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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Laxyboy's Moderator Application Name: Will K. Age: 15 Skype: will.kendrick4 Gender: Male From: Dallas, TX On server for: over 1 1/2 months ​I would like to become a moderator because I am sick and tired of people giving stuff out to non creative people, and people ruining other's experience by griefing shops, bases, houses, and anything in-between. I have just recently caught gligar red-handed briefing the market, but unfortunately I was too late to stop him from getting to Speedy's base. I hate seeing others game experience ruined by the childish griefers, and want to take action, I really feel I could make a difference in this server! I want to be the problem solver, instead of a problem creator like some. I am online every single day, and I think that is why this server has become so vulnerable. With a moderator online everyday, more incidents can, and will be prevented! Thank you for your time, Laxyboy
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